Town of Fogo Island

Public Notice - Nomination of Candidates

Posted 29 August 2018, 10:39 am NDT

Public Notice - Nomination of Candidates

Public Notice
Nomination of Candidates

Municipality of Fogo Island

Nominations of candidates for election to the council for the municipality of Fogo Island will be received between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. from September 25, 2018 to September 26, 2018 at the Town Office, 6 Centre Island Road South.

Nominations shall be in writing and state the name and civic address of the candidate and shall be signed by the Proposer and Seconder both of whom shall be present together with the candidate who shall sign signifying his/her acceptance. In the event that a candidate cannot be present for his/her nomination, his/her proposer and seconder can complete the required form.

If the nomination is for a candidate running as mayor in a separate election that position should be noted on the nomination form.

Every candidate shall at the time of his/her nomination, deposit with the Returning Officer, the non-refundable sum of ten dollars ($10.00) for towns/regions or fifty dollars ($50.00) for cities.

The qualifications of a candidate for election to council are as follows:

  1. Canadian citizen who is 18 years of age or older;

  2. Ordinarily resident in the municipality or area for at least 30 days prior to the date set for the commencement of the nomination period;

  3. Not in arrears of taxes or other charges payable to the municipality; and

  4. Not otherwise disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act.