Town of Fogo Island

Tourism Event Calendar

Posted 7 December 2018, 10:37 am NST

Help us Create the 2019 Fogo Island
Tourism Events Calendar!

What is it?
A comprehensive calendar of events that you, a community group, or a business is planning on hosting between May and October 2019.

Why is it important?
Visitors are planning trips to Fogo Island 5 months in advance on average. If you would like to attract business and be featured on visitor's itinerary then this is important for you, your business, and the success of OUR ISLAND!

How does this benefit you?
Greater tourism numbers can lead to more money coming to Fogo Island, seasonal jobs, longer employment terms, and better quality of life for families on Fogo Island.

How do we get this started?
Stop by the Tourism office with your calendar of events or let us help you create your calendar of events!
Things like:

Kitchen Parties
Farmer's Market
Craft Fairs

Your schedule should have concrete dates to help visitors plan!

Let us help you create your event list. Stop by the Tourism office every Friday starting January 4th, 2019 or call to create an appointment that works for you!