Town of Fogo Island

Asian Heritage Month

Posted 2 May 2019, 11:17 am NDT

As you know, May is Asian Heritage Month in Canada, a time to reflect on and celebrate the contributions that Canadians of Asian heritage continue to make to the growth and prosperity of Canada.
The theme of the Government of Canada's 2019 campaign — Asian Canadian Youth: Shaping Canada's Future, will highlights the contributions that Asian Canadian youth have made, and continue to make, in shaping Canada's heritage and identity.
The 2019 AHM Campaign, will provide the opportunity to highlight the accomplishments of several Canadian Youth of Asian heritage who have helped shape Canada. Other notable Asian Canadians are featured on the Government of Canada's Asian Heritage Month website and will be featured in social media throughout May.
To help you promote Asian Heritage Month, the Department of Canadian Heritage is making a promotional poster available for download. This poster is a way to engage students and clients in Asian Heritage Month, to prompt discussions and to raise greater public awareness of Canada's rich diversity.
You can download the poster from Canadian Heritage's website as of May 1, 2019.
Don't forget to visit the Government of Canada's Asian Heritage Month website, which presents video clips and links to a variety of additional resources. The website will be updated on May 1, 2019.