Town of Fogo Island

(CLOSED) Tender Offer

Posted 25 July 2018, 10:36 am NDT

The Town of Fogo Island is currently accepting Tenders for a standing offer on an Excavator, Backhoe, and Dump Truck services on an hourly rate.

  • The successful bidder would be expected to supply the necessary equipment when requested by the Town
  • Standing offer will be for a period of one year only
  • Contractor must provide proof of general liability insurance and be in good standing with worker's compensation
  • If the successful bidder is unavailable at any given time to perform work the Town reserves the right to call other authorized contractors
  • This tender will not apply to any tenders the Town must issue as per a requirement of the Public Tendering Act
Closing Date:
    Friday, August 3, 2018 3:00PM
All tenders should be in a sealed envelope marked: "Tender for Service Contracts"

Please forward Tenders to:

Town of Fogo Island
Site 5, Unit 2, Box 2
Fogo Island Centre, NL
A0G 2X0

Tenders will also be accepted by email or fax

The Town of Fogo Island does not necessarily bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender

For further information please contact:

Town of Fogo Island
Tel: 709-266-1320
Fax: 709-266-1323