Town of Fogo Island

Town News

Establishment and Operation of a Green Depot on Fogo Island

Posted 7 September 2017, 9:03 am NDT

The Multi-Materials Stewardship Board (MMSB) is a provincial Crown agency with a mandate to develop, implement and manage waste diversion programs in Newfoundland and Labrador, including a Used Beverage Container Recycling Program. A consumer deposit is applied by MMSB at the retail level on all ready-to-drink beverage containers captured under the Program and consumers are eligible for a partial refund of the deposit if they return the used beverage container to an MMSB licensed Green Depot.... Read more.

Sonja Maloney - NLOWE's 2016 Youth Entrepreneur of the Year

Posted 2 November 2016, 11:56 am NDT

The Town of Fogo Island wishes to extend its congratulations to Sonja Penton Maloney, a former resident of Fogo Island on her recent aware as NLOWE's 2016 Youth Entrepreneur of the Year. Congratulations Sonja!!

Newfoundland and Labrador Organization of Women Entrepreneurs (NLOWE)
The 2016 Youth Entrepreneur of the Year is Sonja Maloney of Jumping Bean Coffee - Gander, Gander and Greater St. John's, and formerly Ultra Clear Water & Brewing Centre.

The Youth Entrepreneur of the Year Award, sponsored by College of the North Atlantic, is awarded to an entrepreneur who is 35 years of age or under and who owns and operates a successful and profitable business.

Press Release - June 1, 2016

Posted 1 June 2016, 10:49 am NDT

The Fogo Island Economic Development Partnership will be hosting a Business Forum June 1st-5th: Making Our Heritage, Our Business.

This Partnership is comprised of the Town of Fogo Island, the Shorefast Foundation and the Fogo Island Co-operative Society Ltd.

This Forum will consist of several workshops and discussions surrounding Fogo Island's economy and the enormous economic potential that it has to offer.

On Thursday, June 2nd, there will be a Business Expo at the Iceberg Arena, Fogo... Read more.

Spring Clean-Up

Posted 17 May 2016, 11:27 am NDT

Spring is finally here and the beautiful days of summer are fast approaching. Town of Fogo Island is preparing for 'Spring Clean–up' weeks. This is a perfect opportunity for residents to clean up around their properties and make them more presentable for the upcoming tourism season.

The Town will be offering "FREE RESIDENTIAL DROP OFF "between May 5th – June 15th . Residents can drop their 'Spring Clean- up' items to the transfer station during regular working hours for... Read more.

Public Rally - Sunday, May 1st at 3PM

Posted 29 April 2016, 3:26 pm NDT

The transportation system on Fogo Island is in dire straits, and it has been placed in this situation because government has failed to keep its promises.

It has failed to keep its promise to maintain the MV Winsor until the MV Veteran was proven capable. It has failed to keep its promise of a second vessel. It has failed to keep its promise of an acceptable schedule. It has failed to keep its promise to improve communications.

Since April 4th, the Town of Fogo Island and the Fogo Island... Read more.

Recycle My Cell

Posted 9 February 2016, 9:36 am NST

The Town of Fogo Island is now part of the Recycle My Cell program
Most of us have owned on average three or four cell phones prior to our current one. That means that a lot of us likely have a slew of old devices that are either getting hidden away in junk drawers or disposed of incorrectly.

The Town of Fogo Island has joined Recycle My Cell, Canada's free cell phone recycling program, making it easy to dispose of your old devices responsibly. A drop off box is located at the Town office,... Read more.

MMSB's Backyard Composting Program

Posted 8 January 2016, 11:23 am NST

The Town of Fogo Island is considering enrolling in the MMSB's backyard composting program. This program allows residents to purchase compost bins from the Town for $21.99 plus HST (similar bins cost ~$70 retail). If you are interested in purchasing a bin, please call, email or drop into the Town Office and let us know.
For more information, please visit the MMSB website: