Town of Fogo Island

Town News

Public Meeting - Iceberg Arena - July 26th, 2018 at 7:00 PM

Posted 20 July 2018, 9:04 am NDT

Public Meeting
Iceberg Arena - July 26th, 2018 at 7:00 PM

Regarding the Certification of the Fogo Island Airstrip

"As you probably know by now we here on Fogo Island have been very fortunate to have EVAS Air of Gander offering Flights from Fogo Island to Gander since late April.
But we have ran into a serious problem just as EVAS were going to offer seat sales, packages for them scheduled Flights we received a word from Transport Canada that wasn't possible because the Airstrip... Read more.

(lifted as of August 13, 2018) Tilting Residents - Boil Order Notice

Posted 16 July 2018, 9:23 am NDT

Boil Order Tilting



UPDATE: The boil order has now been lifted as of August 13th, 2018.

The Municipality of Fogo Island has issued a Boil Water Advisory in the community of Tilting as of Monday, July 16, 2018 due to equipment failure with the chlorination pump at the Pump House.

Consumers are advised to bring water that you might ingest to a rigorous boil for one (1) minute. Please boil water being used for the following:
Brushing Teeth
Making Ice
Making Juice
Making Infant formula and cereal
Washing fruits and vegetables
Making tea/coffee and other hot drinks

For further information about the Boil Water Advisory, please call:

Town of Fogo Island @ 266-1320.
Government Services Centre @ 256-1400

Note: If using a home water treatment, such as a filter, follow the manufacturer's advice.


Posted 11 July 2018, 3:22 pm NDT



The Town of Fogo Island is seeking a dedicated and qualified individual to join its team and provide professional support and operation of the Town's engineering and public works programs.
The primary purpose of the position is to facilitate the delivery of public works and water and sewer services to the Town of Fogo Island. The position performs a variety of duties including: water and sewer related duties (troubleshooting,... Read more.

Seniors Garden Party

Posted 5 July 2018, 11:22 am NDT

Seniors Garden Party

At the Fogo Island Health Centre
Weather Permitting
(Iceberg Arena: Alternate site)

Where: The Back Patio- Hospital
When: Wednesday, July 11th, 2018
Time: 1:30 pm

Refreshments and entertainment will be provided.

Special Guests: Majors Lorne and Ella Hiscock

Come join us for an afternoon of music and friends. Please feel free to bring along a lawn chair, a hat and some sunscreen.

Sponsored by: the Fogo Island Health Centre and the Town of Fogo Island.

Residents of Seldom — Emergency Water Turn Off

Posted 26 June 2018, 3:06 pm NDT

Residents of Seldom — Emergency Water Turn Off

The Town of Fogo Island would like to inform residents that later this evening, workers will be doing maintenance at the pump house with the pump system. Water will be turned off at 7:00PM for approximately 1 hour, depending on how the work proceeds.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Thank you
Public Works Department
Town of Fogo Island

Rescheduled - Canada Day Bingo!

Posted 22 June 2018, 3:36 pm NDT


Rescheduled to Tuesday, July 3rd at 8 p.m.

Sponsored by the Lions Club

Bingo will be held at the Iceberg Arena. Canteen services are available.

Come by, enjoy the evening and great Bingo games!

Notice to Fogo and Joe Batt's Arm Residents - Sewer Smoke Testing

Posted 21 June 2018, 3:22 pm NDT

Starting on Monday, June 25th to Friday, June 29th BioMaxx Environmental will be performing Sanitary Sewer Smoke Testing on three of our sewer outfalls (one in Fogo and two in Joe Batt's Arm)

The following areas in Fogo will be affected:
  • Blandford's Road
  • Country Road
  • Humphrey's Lane
  • Main Street (from Winnie Fords to Scott Harts)
  • Mercer Memorial Drive

Smoke Testing FAQ
Smoke Testing FAQ (larger version)

Available for Purchase - Compost Bins

Posted 18 June 2018, 1:29 pm NDT

* Compost Bin may not be exactly as shown.
* Compost Bin may not be exactly as shown.

Backyard composting is a simple way to recycle your organic waste.

Since 30% of our waste is organic, composting is a great way to divert waste from going to our landfill.

Through this program the Town of Fogo Island has compost bins for sale for $25.29 per bin, tax included. Anyone interested in purchasing one of these bins please contact the Town Office.

Canada Summer Jobs (2 Positions)

Posted 15 June 2018, 3:15 pm NDT

The Town of Fogo Island and the Fogo Island Stadium Committee will be hiring 2 students under the Canada
Summer Jobs. There will be 2 positions for a total of 7 weeks each with 35 hours per week.

Duties will include organizing and planning weekly activities for Summer Camp. You will work daily with boys and girls and their families, students will work with other students and staff.

Standard first aid is an asset as well as a valid driver's license. Age requirement is 15-30. Students must be 15 when they apply.

Please drop resumes off to the town office marked "stadium"
or at the stadium office. If you have questions please call Colette at 266-1111.