Town of Fogo Island

Town News

Swimming Pool Project

Posted 2 April 2018, 8:47 am NDT

A Meeting will be held on Tuesday April 10, at 7:00 PM in the Stadium Common Room. The purpose is to form a committee for the Swimming Pool Project for Fogo Island.

Public Notice

Posted 21 December 2017, 3:32 pm NST

Once again we are facing our winter season for 2017-2018 and Council is reminding motorists of the dangers of winter driving and of the need to adjust our driving habits to fit the conditions.

Remember "Snow means Slow".

All residents are reminded that it is illegal to leave an unattended vehicle on the roadways between the hours of 12 midnight and 8:00 AM from December 1st to March 31st. Such action impedes our snow clearing efforts and is dangerous to the traveling public.

Council will not... Read more.


Posted 22 November 2017, 10:04 am NST


Those who paid the Supreme Sacrifice WWI and WWII

Posted 20 October 2017, 8:26 am NDT

The Town of Fogo Island is updating the list of those who paid the supreme sacrifice. If a family member isn't listed, please call the Town Office at 266-1320.

Ginn, Thomas
Baker, Wilfred
Bignell, George
Bleak, Zachariah
Butler, William Edward
Coates, George
Ethridge, Richard
Farrel, Joseph
Freake, James William
Hart, Charles
Hiscock, Alfred
Hodge, Harvey
Mahaney, James A. (Jim)
Payne, Harold
Penton, Ignatius
Sargeant, John
Scott, Maxwell
Shave, Edwin L.
Shave, George R.
Simms, John Henry
Woolridge, Mark

Beason, Patrick
Brett, John
Coates, Harold
Combden, Edward
Combden, James
Freake, Ephraim
Harnett, Frank
Hart, John
Hoddinott, Samuel
Holmes, Aubrey
Hurley, Thomas
Hynes, Richard Edward
Hynes, Lemuel Edward
Miller, Frederick
Penney, Maxwell
Peyton, Stephen
Randell, Frederick
Randell, Ralph
Stuckless, Guy

Nominations for Bi-Election

Posted 19 September 2017, 9:20 am NDT

Nominations for Bi-Election:
• October 2, 2017
• 8:00 AM to 8:00PM
• Town Office

Date for Bi-Election:
• October 23, 2017

Establishment and Operation of a Green Depot on Fogo Island

Posted 7 September 2017, 9:03 am NDT

The Multi-Materials Stewardship Board (MMSB) is a provincial Crown agency with a mandate to develop, implement and manage waste diversion programs in Newfoundland and Labrador, including a Used Beverage Container Recycling Program. A consumer deposit is applied by MMSB at the retail level on all ready-to-drink beverage containers captured under the Program and consumers are eligible for a partial refund of the deposit if they return the used beverage container to an MMSB licensed Green Depot.... Read more.